16 May 2007

sculpture plans


Jacob Marvin Rossi said...

Meiko, these are too cool for you not to have a scanner! =D

mkikuta said...

oh I actually have a scanner...but i just dont really know how it works :/ or i dont even know if i have all of the cables to make it work either...
time to buy a new scanner...maybe..?

Anonymous said...

I farking agree! and ps. i love the last one the most! i like it even better than your sculpture. where are pictures of those btw? *pressures Meiko to get a scanner and take pics of sculpture*

mkikuta said...

yeah i should put down "look for a scanner" on my to do list :)
i actually like the drawing of my sculpture(3rd one) better than my sculpture, too.
its less scary for sure... heh